viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Psychological health and wellbeing

Participation in physical activity and sport has been shown to be effective for reducing:
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • psychological distress
  • emotional disturbance.

A review of research on this topic found that low-to-moderate physical exercise, even in a single session, can reduce anxiety.
Another year-long study concluded that increases in aerobic fitness have both short and long-term beneficial effects on psychological health.
Research also shows taking part in sport, and spectating, have a positive impact on the wellbeing and happiness of individuals.
So what are you waiting for? Just practice sport to be happy

Miguel Angel Tajuelo: CNAndujar's honor member

As well as I said in my last post, Miguel Angel Tajuelo is officially the honor member of the swimming club of Andujar.
The cause of it was this. While we were training on the minicipal pool, we saw him training to and it make an impact on us. When we knew his history, we try to talk with him and he always give us very good advices. He always said us that we should be positive and be constant in the training. We realized that he had to be part of the club and he became our honor member.
Here is the hyperlink of his web where he expound a photo of the day he was named.

News about Mireia!!

The swimmer Mireia Belmonte has beaten the world record of 1,500 freestyle , 15 minutes , 19 seconds and 71 hundredths , in the first day of the Championships of Spain short course , which take place in Sabadell, after returning from World Championship Doha , where he hung four golds and set two world records . With less than 15 minutes and 20 seconds, the swimmer badalonesa exceeded three seconds (15: 22.68 ) the previous record of New Zealand Lauren Boyle , achieved in Castellón. Silver and bronze went to Maria Vilas ( 15.46.06 ) and Bea Gómez ( 15.52.85 ) . This is the first medal after getting Mireia Belmonte climb to the top of the podium in Doha on four consecutive days , winning the 400 and 800 freestyle , 200 butterfly and 400 individual medley , achieving the world record in these two past . His achievements at international level in 2014 amounted to 6 golds , 2 silvers and 2 bronzes, if the medals achieved in the Berlin European added.

 Mireia Belmonte bate el récord del mundo de 1.500 metros libres en piscina corta

It's incredible!!! Each time she overtake herself. I 

CN Andújar

The swimming club of Andújar is a fantastic example of create something from the vacuum. It hasn't been easy but all together from the parents to the younger we have fighted step by step to create this club as result. It started in 2012 and now, we can be proud of us because we are already participating in the provintial take of time in Jaen. Here it is the hyperlink to go to CNAndújar's blog. You can see all pictures of the competitions as well as the cohabitations, because the sport join the people.


My department is Pide por esa boquita. It has the function of:
- Buy the neccesary material for each workshop.
- Carry it to each group at the begining of the breaks and also pick it up at the end.
- Open the class to each workshop.
We used "Trello" to call together to the meetings. We have done three meetings from the begining to now but we are always in touch to be inform about the problems and changes.
First we did the timetable.
Mostrando Horario talleres Miniempresa educativa.png
Next to this, we divided up the task necessary to do (that were so much). For example I was in charge of doing a list including the P.E material to check what of that are here and what should be bought. We did a very beautiful post box to the responsible of each workshop to put a list with their material necessities (I am proud of myself because it was my idea). We organized ourself in partners to bring the material and open the classes to each workshop each break. I am responsible on thursday because in that day, my workshop takes place so I know what are the necessities. Every Mondays I look for the thursday workshops' paper and I pass the list to Lola Extremera (this deparment main guide teacher). They give us the money to buy the materials. After buy that, I keep the materials in the students association office and I give the ticket to Lola to pass it to the Bank department. I have had the idea of keep each workshop's material in a box with the purpose of find it quickly. There are still many things to change such us how to do the process of buying the material without passing by Lola to do it more quickly.

DIY quesepegue's 3rd day

This thursday it has been less people due to the final exam but even though some 1st ESO students came and we are very thankful with them  because they are very loyal with the workshop.
We did snowflakes using popsicle sticks.
Popsicle stick snowflakes
 We have had time to glue the sticks and we have let it dry.
We had a problems with the students from the class after. They said that we've let the class very dirty and also they said two of their works were disappeared. We are quite sad because they have blamed us and we didn't touch anything and also our clients. We have cleaned up the tables as much as possible too. I am going to talk with them to clear this suject. Also we are going to move to the class 6. It is going to be repaired surely.

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014


I am so so proud about my sport, the swimming. For the first time in my life, I have seen the swimming as a newspaper cover instead of football. Mireia has done and amazing work: she has swum two races asmost consecutive winning two gold medals and breaking  world record. I usually look videos about her to improve my technique and to motivate me. Here is the video that show the winner race of Mireia.